Yellow Jackets Facts
Yellow jackets are aggressive stinging insects in the Vespidae family which are common in the NJ and North East PA area.
Yellow jackets account for most stings overall in NJ and in the United States. They prefer to build their nests underground or in human-made structures low to the ground. They are notorious scavengers and often seek food in picnic areas and around trash containers. They are the most aggressive of all the vespids and sting with little or no provocation during the late summer and early fall, when their colony numbers are largest and food supplies are somewhat limited. They are also known to be aggressive defender of their nests.
Yellow Jacket Identification
Visually , yellow jackets can be identified by their head thorax and abdomen. Unlike honeybees, yellow jackets have relatively smooth stingers and can sting repeatedly.
Like most vespers yellow jackets make nests of masticated wood containing layers of combs with many individual cells. The comb layers are arranged vertically. Yellow jackets prefer to build their home in a void, such as a hole in the ground, or between boards of a home. Because they conceal the nest they sometimes go unnoticed for many weeks. Small nests can be troublesome as they can interfere with outdoor activities and are a risk to those with allergic reactions to yellow jacket venom. In the south yellow jackets nests have been know to reach giant proportions with over 100,000 insects. In NJ and PA they are limited by a shorter season and tend to remain small. While the nests remain small in the Hacketttstown area they have been know to grow large enough to occasionally come through a celling or inner wall, so treating them quickly is important.
Yellow Jacket Control
Treatment of a yellow jackets nest can be completed in one day. Our approach involves using a fast acting pesticide to eliminate the insects living in the nest and a residual material to prevent rebuilding.
All seasons pest control has more than 40 years experience in dealing with yellow jackets and other stinging insects. We have the tools and experience to keep you and your family safe from stinging insects.
Yellow Jacket Blog Posts
What kind of Bees are These (yellow Jackets)
Can I kill these yellow jackets myself
What’s that noise in the wall (yellow jackets)