How is it possible to have mice in the summer?!
Many of our customers are surprised to learn that mice can infest their home year round. This is true on both sides of the river. Whether you are on the Hackettstown Long Valley Budd Lake border mice can infest you home all year long. Yes even in the summer!
We may have heard growing up that mice spend the summer in the fields and will move indoors in the fall to avoid cooler temperatures, and this is sometimes true. But mice need shelter year round and as fields became lawns our homes began to provide a more attractive, warm, and predator free environment for mice to live and breed. In the summer mice find small holes that penetrate the house. Once inside they build a nest and then use the holes to venture out of the home to find food and then back into the home for shelter.
How do I keep mice out in the summer
Keeping mice out can be a constant challenge once they have determined they like your home. A first step is to make sure there is at least 12″ of space between plants and the foundation of your home, then close any openings around the outside of your home. This 2nd step can be the most challenging as mice only require a hole of about a 1/2″. As homes settle season after season these opening occur and mice find news ways into our homes.
This is where a good relationship with your local pest control company can be helpful. An integrated pest management plan can help you keep mice from getting in and eliminate the ones that make it inside
At All Seasons Pest Control we welcome your call to talk about a mouse infestation or even a possible one