We were exterminating in Long Valley, NJ today in response to a call about a noise in the wall. Many different pest infestations can cause a noise in the wall, but if the noise is a crunching or buzzing sound the cause is often a yellow jackets nest.
Yellow jackets begin to make their nests in the early spring and continue into the fall. As the season progresses the nests grow larger and louder. An infestation that may have originally gone unnoticed becomes a nuisance and quite possibly a danger. What may have first appeared to be one or two “bees” flying in and out
If you hear a noise in the wall it is important not to touch the wall or ceiling as this may cause the nest to fall through.
A yellow jackets nest will often start in a void in a homes exterior, but as the nest increases in size the moisture and heat it creates will often weaken the building materials on the inside allowing the insects access to the homes interior. Unfortunately sometimes it is not until the yellow jackets have angrily entered the home that All Seasons Pest Control gets the call. Often by this time, not only is there property damage but, one or more members of the household have been stung sometimes more than once. And angry yellow jackets are no fun these guys are aggressive and can sting repeatedly!
At all seasons pest control we’ll quickly handle your yellow jacket problem with a fast acting material to quickly eliminate the nest and a residual material to ensure the nest doesn’t return. While we’re there we will give your home a through pest inspection to help you stay ahead of future pest infestations.