We are often asked by our customers “Where did they mice come from?” or why mice chose our customer’s home over a neighbor’s. In the Hackettstown/ Long Valley and northern NJ area mice can find sufficient food and water outside and venture inside homes to breed and find shelter.
Ease of entry for mice is also a factor. Mice can enter your home through holes as small a 1/2”. Common points of entry include: loose fitting garage doors, roof lines, ridge vents, bilco doors, basement doors, air conditioning, fuel line, and electrical penetrations.
When considering where mice came from it is also important to understand how fast mice breed. Females can begin reproducing at just 6 weeks old, have litters as large as 14 pups and can have as many as 10 litters per year. This reproduction cycle leads to rapid increases in population.
There is sometimes an unfair assumption that a mouse in the house means an unkempt home. While it is possible, more often than not rodents will never enter the living space, and instead venture outside for food and occupy the hidden spaces of a home for shelter. It is important to address any infestation quickly because rapidly increasing population and cooler temperatures can push mice into living spaces.
All Seasons Pest control can help design an integrated pest management solution to keep mice at bay all year long. http://myallseasonspestcontrol.com/sound-attic-night-mice/